Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Deck the Halls and Sweet CeCes

Well, since Jeff was ushering in Arkansas duck season (yes, we live in Tennessee-I don't get it), I took an excursion to Franklin with Blake and Adam. They were pretty upset when I said we were going SHOPPING, but I did promise them a special treat afterward so they complied. I met my friend Amy Seabrook Wilson, who lives in Brentwood at the Factory in Franklin for their annual "Deck the Halls" exhibit of local vendors. (Deck the Halls is putting it nicely. I felt like "decking some kids" before we were done!) While Amy shopped I wrangled the boys through the maze of lovely merchandise--but it was okay, because there is a neat toy store nearby that we landed in. I got the boys glow in the dark stars for their rooms and they were happy. Next we went to an amazing frozen yogurt place called Sweet CeCe's where you choose your flavor and add any number of toppings you want. The best thing of all was that Jeff came home a day early from duck hunting. Apparently, ducks just don't fly when the weather is in the 70s in November. Here's a shot of us at Sweet CeCe's.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween 2010

Blake dressed as as Titans football player and Adam as a Cowboy. We had fun and got some good candy!!

Blake's First Deer

Although Blake is only 7 years old, he is becoming an avid sportsman and enjoys hunting and fishing. He has accompanied Jeff on many "hunts" for duck, dove, and deer. He improves his shooting abilities with each passing season and has gained much respect for firearms in the outdoors. Juvenile deer season was open on the last weekend of October so we headed to Rives for Blake to hunt on my dad's farm. He hunted both early Saturday morning and Saturday afternoon. It was the afternoon hunt that proved successful. He shot an 8-point buck right at dusk with 1 shot using a 243rifle loaned to him by my uncle. We are so proud of him!! He was so excited!!