Monday, September 27, 2010

Welcome Fall!

Fall officially arrived last week (even though the cool weather lagged a few days behind). Blake ended his Fall baseball season on a very good note. The team won and got to go to DQ afterward for ice cream! I will miss watching him play until March. He is gaining a true love for the game and growing in maturity with each season he plays. He played left center for this team and made several great catches and throws to the infield. I also met some very sweet Moms and Grandmothers this Fall at the games whom I will miss seeing weekly.

We took the weekend "off" and left out Friday night for our lake cabin in Dover. It was great!! We got to see my nephew, Jack play a soccer game. He was too CUTE--ALL smiles!! Then we all went to eat pizza in Paris and watch the UT game. I enjoyed just hanging out at the lake without a real schedule to follow, even if it was just for 2 days. I think the older I get the more I need these "mini-breaks" in life's busyness. So glad we found a place for a peaceful, restful retreat where we can slow down and enjoy each other's company without distractions :)!!

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